We work with curiosity, enthusiasm and pleasure on the spatial dimension of societal issues and assignments. Our experience is based on a large variety of projects: design | planning | research | reflection. We operate in various stages of planning processes, from the elaboration of an assignment brief, studies on specific themes as ´active and healthy space´ or ´street design and planning´, to concrete spatial plans and urban designs, and give our reflective contributions in writings, presentations, workshops and debates. In our projects we work together with people of different professional areas and organisation types, in the practical and academic fields.



Daniel Casas Valle

Daniel is an urban designer, researcher and planner.

He is also director of ´the Future Design of Streets association´ and researcher at the ‘Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Porto, Faculty of Architecture (MDT-CAEU-FAUP)’

daniel @ urban dynamics . info

+351 93 261 01 74  |  +31 6 27 306 025

Porto – PT   |  Amsterdam – NL



Carina Gomes

Assistent Urban Designer / Architect



We work with partners and clients from different fields and organisations,
including municipalities, research and knowledge centres, associations and NGOs, developers and construction firms, design and planning offices, engineers, politicians, and citizens.

We worked and are working together with:
Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam | Almada municipality | Amsterdam municipality | Annelies Acda advies | ArchiNed | Artgineering | Aveiro festival dos canais | BAAU architects | BASTA | Blauwe Kamer | Bodegraven municipality | bpd Bouwfonds Propety Development | BNA | Bureau Lada | Bureau SLA | Cascais municipality | CCDR-n Portugal | CEAU/FAUP – Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo | CITY.making | Craft Architecture & Urban design, Porto | Eindhoven municipality | Den Haag municipality | Escola de Arquitetura, Universidade do Minho | esGALLAECIA | Espaço & Desenvolvimento  | Esposende municipality | FAUP – Faculdade de Arquitectura Universidade do Porto | Fontys Academy of the Arts | Foundation for Science and Technology, Portugal | FRONTWORK | Funds Creative Industries Rotterdam | Fund Creative Industries | Fusion – Project & Concept Consultants | GaiUrb VN de Gaia | Gezonde Stad Groningen | GRAS Groningen | Guimarães 2013, European sport city | ISCA-MOVE sport | KCAP urbanism | Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen | Leiden municipality | Lisbon municipality | Loures municipality | Lyon municipality | Marieke Berkers | Mulierinstituut, Utrecht | Metrex – Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas | Ministry of Sports, Luxembourg | Must Urbanism | Mubi | NEW ENVIRONMENTS | NOC*NSF | OASE | OUI urban sports architecten | Paredes de Coura municipality | Pinar Balat | Pharos | Platform 31 | Porto Lazer, Porto municipality | PORTOemMOVIMENTO | Projectbureau Marienterrein Amsterdam | Publicatie Hedy D’Ancona-prijs 2012 | Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu | Rooilijn | Ruimtevolk | Rutgers Instituut | S&RO | Santa Casa Misericordia de Almada | Santa Maria da Feira municipality | Sines municipality | Sport en Ruimte | Sport department, University of Porto | Sportraad Amsterdam | Soa Aids | Stad-Forum Amsterdam | Stadsdeel Amsterdam Nieuw-West | Stedenbouw en architectuur | Teixeira Duarte grupo | Trimbos Instituut | Tynaarlo municipality | Universidade do Minho | Universidade do Porto | Universidade Portucalense | Urbanlyon | Urhahn | Valencia municipality, Fundación Deportiva Municipal de Valencia | Veiligheid NL | Vereniging Sport en Gemeenten | Vila Nova de Famalicão municipality | Vila Real municipality | Voedingscentrum | VM Travel | Vereniging Sport en Gemeenten | WB de Ruimte | Woest Zuid


Assistants: Carina Gomes  |  Previous contributions assistants: Catarina Breia Dias, João Nuno Cardoso, Maria Maia, Ana Mota, Lucas Carneiro, Giacomo Gallo, Margit Cevaal, Thomas Raben-Lange, Vânia Saraiva