The Zuidas (South-axis) in Amsterdam is being transformed into a new urban district with (inter)national character and accessibility, including high-rise offices and residential buildings and the integration of large mobility infrastructure (motorway, train, metro). The Zuidas is an interesting place for many parties, now and in the future. It is also an area that is attractive for sport because of its central location in a dynamic region that has also a strong historical link with sport and recreation (football fields, Zuidelijke wandelweg).
In 2013, our research ´Sporten op de Zuidas´ (Sport at the South Axis) clarified that there are already many (sports-) initiatives going-on. However, some parties and organisations involved did not know each other´s activities, or initiatives and plans for the future. Furthermore, for some existing sport facilities, it was not guaranteed a place in the urban development plan. Based on interviews with various stake holders and interested parties, seven sport opportunities were formulated to describe the sport potentials in the area (connecting, meeting, adapt, momentum, rhythm, public space, knowledge). The idea was to connect these opportunities to ambassadors from the Zuidas area.