Toolbox Health and Environment

A healthy environment is important for all. The spatial approach differs from municipality to municipality. Some municipalities make the theme ´a healthy environment´ their key policy aim and translate this in concrete projects. Other municipalities couple the thematic to existing spatial policy planning as ´Green Public Space´, ´Sustainability´ or ´Physical Activity´. Urban Dynamics was asked to give reflection on the structure for the ´Toolbox Health and Environment´ publication (Inspiratie- en werkboek gezondheid en ruimte), which is based on a master class (leerkring), developed and organised by Platform 31, Pharos and RIVM, in the period 2016-2017. The e-publication is online since 18.05.2018.



Project: reflection | Client: Platform 31 | Team: in collaboration with Annette Duivenvoorden | Year: 2017 | Link