Marineterrein sport-move-play


The urban planning process for the Marine area of Amsterdam started a few years ago. In this area the National Defence will leave in 2018. The planing process is adaptable and organic, where programmes for ´sport, move and play´ are expected to play important roles for the area.

Urban Dynamics was asked to map spatial potentials and explore new possibilities for physical activities. The two-phase study is structured within short and long term, and unfolds spatial, programmatic and organisational issues. For the study, two workshop took place, with professionals, civil servants, public social organisations and some actual organisations on the site. The outcomes were presented and discussed at a meet-up public event that took place on 13 of February of 2018.


Project: planning | Client: Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam | Team: in collaboration with Vincent Kompier | Year: 2016-2018 | Link