Recre-Actief-Sportpark Genk
The Rasterstad Genk has a large and rich diversity of urban landscape types. It has historical and modern urban centres, forest residential and working areas. It also harbours recreation and natural landscapes.
In the design proposal, the role of Sportpark Genk will be reinforced as a regional and social meeting place. The sport programmes will be complemented by related ´active spaces´ for formal and informal sport, and for play and recreation. A central plaza, with various possibilities for sport and physical activities, will be an important connector to existing sport programmes (swimming, soccer and indoor sports). The plaza will provide direct accessibility to two major sport buildings, it will organise space for various sports and it will incorporate an important routing for walking and biking. Also the existing park, that is now somehow hidden, will be opened for other users as recreationists, passers-by and school students. This will require a thorough restructure of the whole park itself. It is important to make the park more visible and to improve the connection with the recreational landscape of the Stiemerbeek. This will give this local stream a new impulse as a whole, both ecologically and recreationally.